Days Until World Water Day


    Aqua (アクア, Akua)

    An Axis Church arch priest, a goddess of water, a dummy... Aqua is many things, including my lovely girlfriend. We've been in love since Aug. 6th, and I love everything about her: her cuteness, her silliness, her abilities... just everything. I could gush over her all day long but you get the gist. She is my flower, always becoming prettier and prettier, and my love for her always blooming.

    My Devotion

    Our relationship together may still be in its short stages, but my love and dedication for Aqua is endless. Every day she helps the sun shine and makes me happier than I could ever be without her. I will always stick by her and admire her for all the things she does for me. I've started up a collection dedicated just to her, spread my affection for her online, and even made this very website to share my passion, and that's just the beginning. I'm always working to improve my relationship with my dear Aqua and find new ways to cherish her, because it's what she deserves.

    Important Dates [2024]

    • Feburary 6th - Six months together

    • March 22nd - World Water Day

    • August 1st - Aqua's birthday

    • August 6th - One year together

    • September 1st - World Goddess Day

